Tuesday, June 23, 2009

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If you want. Or don't. You're small potatoes considering that John Daly follows me. Yeah, THAT John Daly.

Pottytraining Diaries - Week 22

We're not advancing one inch. He holds it all day, asks for a diaper, throws nuclear fits if they are refused, and even repels offers of increasingly expensive rewards. I'm ready to buy the kid a Mercedes if he'll just abandon his diaper in favor of the porcelain. It's become ridiculous, but in the back of my mind I keep thinking of all the repetitive advice I've received: He'll do it when he's ready. (By the way, that advice never goes over well with a Type-A people like Ashely and me.)

He goes #1 with ease and on his own volition. So we continue to wait, hoping that repeated encouragement and prodding will finally break through the concrete and steel barrier that stands between Jack and his graduation into society as a proper defecating member. I never thought that the longest running battle I'd have with my son would be the use of the toilet.

My Kids Will Be Eating This Soon.

The Spanky Cristo.

Believe it.

Blogging Is Easy When Someone Else Does It For You.

Click here for a picture of Jack.

(Yes, this is the pinnacle of lazy.)