Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Jack Soundbites

Today Jack said, and I quote, "

"I drink the juice, but you see the problem is that the alligator comes into Grandma's house and I eat him."

I am not kidding.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August 5th Update

[An aside: I just realized that all of these are dated/time stamped so I don't need to date them, but alas...]

Here is Ashley's latest email with some pictures to boot!

"Today, Sam is 2 weeks old! While it's hard to believe it's already been 2 weeks, so much has happened, it's hard to remember what life was like before Sam! Since I last wrote, Sam has made so much progress! He was moved to the intermediate nursery, out of the NICU, last Wednesday. We like this room much better, as it's quieter and there's more natural sunlight. On Thursday, they started trying to feed him with the bottle, and he's been improving with that skill daily. He's taking about half of his feeds from the bottle, then getting the rest through his feeding tube. He weighs 4 lbs 6 oz now, so he's gaining weight steadily. Friday was a big day...they removed his IV and moved him out of the incubator and into an 'open bed.' It's been a good has gotten to hold him for the first time and I spend at least an hour a day holding him....I know that won't happen once I have him home and Jack's around!!! We're getting anxious to bring him home, but they are still saying it could be 1-2 more weeks. Thanks again to all of you for your emails and phone calls. I'm sorry I have yet to respond to all of you personally...I will as I have time, I promise! Here are a couple of recent pictures for you all...
With love,